3 Ways To Drastically Reduce Your Screen Time
How to reduce the time you spend on your phone
We are in a world where we are well and truly obsessed with our phones. 2022 data from Statista revealed that the average person in the UK spend an average of 4 hours and 14 minutes per day on their mobile devices. There’s no denying it, we are addicted to our phones!
It’s hard not to be addicted, especially when technology and our phones seemingly rule the world.
Here are 3 ways to help you reduce your screen time…
Delete Social Media
As of 2022, the average daily social media usage of internet users worldwide amounted to 151 minutes per day. When it comes to time stealing activities, not many things are worse than social media. Social media has been designed in a way for us to quickly get hooked and spend as much time as possible on their platform, by some of the smartest people in the world.
Just think about all of the social media you have at the end of your fingertips: Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Tik-Tok, WhatsApp, Twitter, the list is forever expanding. But do you really need them all? The answer is no.
It’s not to say you should banish yourself from all forms of social media, but if you want to reduce your phone screen time consider deleting a lot of your social media platforms. By doing so, you’ll free up a whole lot of time to do more important, productive and meaningful things.
Ask Questions
How many times have you found yourself with your phone in your hand without realising how it got there and by the time you know it’s there you’ve just spent the past 30 minutes scrolling through Instagram not even remembering what you’ve just been looking at? I know I have, millions of times! If you catch yourself ‘zombie scrolling’, ask yourself some questions:
Why am I spending so much time on my phone?
Am I just putting things off?
Is this currently benefitting me?
Am I taking the easy option?
By prompting yourself with a few questions, you’ll be able to give yourself an honest answer as to why you are actually using your phone.
Understand How Much Time You REALLY Spend On Your Phone
All phones have some sort of screen time tracker. Use it. Physically see how much time you’re spending on your phone. If you believe you’re using your phone too much the numbers will tell you whether or not that’s the case. At the end of the day, the numbers won’t lie!
If you understand how much time you’re spending on your phone, it gives you an idea of how and where you can start using it less.
It sounds simple, but it’s a great way to track your progress and boost your motivation to not spend so much time on your phone, I know it certainly helped me.
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Yours Sincerely,